Tuesday, July 14, 2009

“Suicide Culture”

The other day, I was at a book store that many young people go to in a very popular shopping district in around my area. In that store I happened to find a book titled, “The Complete Manual of Suicide.” This book was written by Wataru Tsurumi. It was first published on July of 1993 and has sold more than a million copies. This book gives specific descriptions and analysis on various suicide methods such as overdosing, jumping, carbon monoxide poisoning, hanging, etc. The book also provides facts to each method in terms of pain it causes, what to prepare, and the appearance of the body after death. He also talks about the right everybody has to either choose to live or die.

“I wrote this book because I wanted to ease the worries and anxieties of those people who are pressing themselves to work hard. To be honest, I wanted my readers to finish this book and have the will to live.” Wataru Tsurumi said in an interview about 10 years after he published the book.

Right now, Japan is one of the most developed and wealthiest country in the world. Its culture is loved and admired all around Asia and the world. Japan is one of the countries with the most advanced technology, their food is world famous, and their way of life is know all over the globe. When it seems like to the world that Japan has everything, there are about 100 thousand suicides in Japan every year. (Data show 30 thousand suicides, but many of them are not reported to avoid shame being brought on the family.) It is one of the highest suicide rates in the world and it continues to grow each year. Why are there so many suicides in Japan?

Japan has been known for its “Suicide Culture.” If you look throughout the history of Japan there are various well know ways people have committed suicide. Seppuku, kamikaze pilots, shinju the list goes on. It is said that suicide has been in the culture of Japan ever since the beginning of its civilization. Kojiki, the oldest surviving book in Japan, (stories that were passed down from generation to generation) records stories of many people taking their lives.

Coming to the end of the Heian Period (794 to 1185) the samurai warriors started to practice a ritual suicide called “Seppuku.” The first Seppuku recorded in Japanese history was done by Fujiwara No Yasusuke. It was 988,the year when Fujiwara No Yassusuke was arrested. After his arrest, he cut his stomach and took his life in his cell. Before killing himself he said “I’ll take my life to take responsibility for myself.” When the Heian Period ended and the Kamakura Period began, Seppuku had become part of bushido and the ritual spread among the samurai warriors. Seppuku was used by samurai mainly to die with honor rather than falling in the hands of the enemy. Other reasons consist taking responsibility for the mistake one made and also to be a ransom for your love ones or soldiers. In a book written by Ninobe Inazo called “Bushido: The Soul of Japan” it was said that “In the abdomen of a man, lives his spirit and love.” So it was said cutting you stomach was the bravest and the most appropriate way to die.

Right now, there is a stronghold on Japan that has been built up over hundreds of years. People are taking their lives not knowing that everyday is a gift from God, and where they are going is much more worst than where they are now. I beg you to pray against those spirits that have been deceiving the people of Japan and that conviction will come on the people. I also ask that you declare life into the Japanese people. Thank you for praying and making an impact in Japan.

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