Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Praying or Playing Pastors??

A recent survey was made in how much the average pastor in American use their time in a week. I want to focus on how much time pastors are actually spending time in prayer. In the survey this is what it said…

“The amount of time spent in prayer and personal devotions raises questions about the vitality of many pastors’ spiritual lives. While 52 percent report spending one to six hours in prayer each week, 5 percent say they spend no time at all in prayer. Furthermore, while 52 percent say they spend two to five hours a week in personal devotions unrelated to teaching preparation, 14 percent indicate they spend an hour or less in personal devotions each week.”

So this raises up the question…Are Pastors not praying or playing? Recently in the church today we have so many people talking about going to the next level or the next dimention. We have so much talk of having revival….But seeing that most pastors only spend 1-6hours in prayer a week, I think that is a joke. What has the church come to…are we praying or playing??

There are so many people that desire to preach, to teach, to minister. There are so many that want to be on the dance team, the media team, the praise team. There are so many that want to go out and evangelize and go to missions. But we have not that want to pray. We do not have the lack of desire of doing the work of God. But the problem is much more greater than that….we have a lack of desire for God and to seek Him in prayer.

When we do not pray to God and do His work…it pretty much saying to God I do not need your help to do your work. When we do not pray everyday…it’s telling God that we do not need Him in our daily walk. The church needs a awakening!! Without prayer there will be no change in your job, in your school, in your community, in your city, in your nation. I submit to you when we pray we wouldn’t have to lift a finger. All those time we though our eloquent speach is need, every time we though our gift or ability is need, every time we though God needed our strength…if we just pray we wouldn’t have to do anything because God will be doing it. All we got to do is just activate that faith.

I remember going to conferences thinking that there was a secret formula, or secret only five fold ministers knew, or if only the prophet will touch me and pray I will go deeper in God. But the only way to get deeper in God is prayer. It is no secret, the only way to know God more, to go deeper and deeper in Him is prayer.

So I am pleading to all christian to have a desire to pray. and to pray, and to pray, and to pray, and to pray. Because prayer is going to make the difference. 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sins, and heal their land” Let pray to God that he will heal the land that we are in and that we will surely have Revival God’s Way….by prayer.

God Bless

source http://www.lifeway.com/article/?id=169886

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