Monday, October 18, 2010

Cyber Missions Survey

What potential does the Internet / digital media have for Christian ministry?

I believe it will open up doors to more people in the whole world. A lot of work, shopping, mailing, etc.. is now done through the internet, so it would be a good vehicle to reach out to more people.

Have you personally used the Internet for ministry? If so how long have you been doping this?

Choose one of the following answers

What kind/s of online ministry have you been involved in?

Check any that apply

I encourage other Christians via email, text or Facebook / social media

I am involved in Internet evangelism

I follow-up those who have just made decisions for Christ

What scares you most about the Internet?

Since the information on the internet is not tangible it can be lost anytime. All the time and the effort you put in the internet can be lost if the severs crash. So, I find it more better if you can have something that you can hold in your hands.

Another things is all the spams that exist. Some are also send by your name, and at times they are not godly. So it can possibly take away from your witness.

Do you have a favorite Internet story? A coincidence? A testimony? Did you personally find Christ online?

No, I do not have any.

What technology/ies have the greatest potential for effective Internet / digital ministry?

Check any that apply

Social Media / Facebook /MySpace etc

Mobile phones


Internet radio / streaming media / YouTube

Massive networking of Christians for prayer and social action

How can we use the new technology to evangelize the most unreached and most unengaged peoples of the world?

Most people in the world now have mobile phones. By using the next work that exist through that I would by more easy to reach the unreached.

Sonrize Productions Update

Monday, October 11, 2010

Callings?? Whose Callings??

I'm just blown away with what God is doing not just with my life, but with the lives of people around me. I think in this generation, we have many people wandering around trying to figure out their calling in life. They'll try out different things, here a little there a little, however it take a long time to find what their calling in life is. How do we know that what we are doing now is what God has called us to do?

God Will Give You The Desire

Psalm 37:4 (NIV)

Delight yourself in the LORD
and he will give you the desires of your heart.

I find that the desire's of your heart is usually what your calling is. However, for God to give it to you in a greater measure and a greater anointing, you must first delight yourself in the LORD. What does it mean to delight in the LORD?? It means to put Him first. As for me, since I was a child I had a passion for music; and even since I became a Christian my ministry always revolved around music. In some ways I know I am not qualified, however I recognize when I put God first He gives me more.

If It Is From God, He Will Make A Way

Revelation 3:7

And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: He who is holy, who is true, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, and who shuts and no one opens, says this (NASB)

One ways to know that what you are doing is really from God is the doors that He opens. You find that maybe you are not qualified or you maybe don't have the experience, but some how God opens the doors for you to enter in. The best prayer to pray is you want to know is, "If this is from you God open more doors, if it is not from you close the door." Then you will know if what you are doing is really from God.

God will connect you to the right people and place you in the right situation

Matthew 10:18 (NLT)

You will stand trial before governors and kings because you are my followers. But this will be your opportunity to tell the rulers and other unbelievers about me.

When you are truly Jesus' disciple are truly live to represent Him, He will make a way to put you before the right people with power and authority. If you are really walking in your calling, Jesus will make a way for you gifts to be used.

You Will Bear Fruit

John 15:16 (NIV)

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.

Finally, if you are really walking in your calling you will bear fruit. Jesus Christ saved you and gave you gifts so you will bear lasting fruit for the Kingdom Of God. If you are not bearing fruit it is really important to re-examine what you are doing. God will never put you into a place to be barren, but desire you to bring results for His glory. When you do bear those fruits, God will give you whatever you ask in Jesus' name. Our gifts are just not for ourselves, but should be used for the glory of God, and for the up-building of His Kingdom.

There are a few points of how you know if what you are doing is really your calling. These are not the only points, but I believe that they are the major points we should be looking at. It is important to be prayerful about this subject, if you are still wonder what you calling is just keep on serving and keep on asking God to reveal it to you. I hope this helps, and I give all the glory back to God. Blessings.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bollywood Experience

Hey Y’all,

Hope everything is going good. It been a while since I lasted posted. My excuse will be I have been in bible school and I have been very busy. haha.
Anyways, I just came back from Mumbai, India. I had my first Bollywood experience it was just amazing. The lights, the cameras, the private trailers, etc.. I think we all felt like superstars. Well the great thing is I had the opportunity to sing the song “I’m saved” before about a thousand church leaders, Bollywood actors and actresses, etc… And it was so new to me. Who would of thought I would be place before men and women like these rapping…haha. Just thinking about it is mind boggling. I had to put my shades on so I wouldn’t be able to see the audience; I was quite nervous.
I know it’s a short post, but I really need some rest.
Anyways my question for all of you is, have you ever been in a situation that you had to stand in front of multitudes and present something or anything else. Also when you were before them how did you feel?

Gotta Go. Let the SonRize!!

Praying or Playing Pastors??

A recent survey was made in how much the average pastor in American use their time in a week. I want to focus on how much time pastors are actually spending time in prayer. In the survey this is what it said…

“The amount of time spent in prayer and personal devotions raises questions about the vitality of many pastors’ spiritual lives. While 52 percent report spending one to six hours in prayer each week, 5 percent say they spend no time at all in prayer. Furthermore, while 52 percent say they spend two to five hours a week in personal devotions unrelated to teaching preparation, 14 percent indicate they spend an hour or less in personal devotions each week.”

So this raises up the question…Are Pastors not praying or playing? Recently in the church today we have so many people talking about going to the next level or the next dimention. We have so much talk of having revival….But seeing that most pastors only spend 1-6hours in prayer a week, I think that is a joke. What has the church come to…are we praying or playing??

There are so many people that desire to preach, to teach, to minister. There are so many that want to be on the dance team, the media team, the praise team. There are so many that want to go out and evangelize and go to missions. But we have not that want to pray. We do not have the lack of desire of doing the work of God. But the problem is much more greater than that….we have a lack of desire for God and to seek Him in prayer.

When we do not pray to God and do His work…it pretty much saying to God I do not need your help to do your work. When we do not pray everyday…it’s telling God that we do not need Him in our daily walk. The church needs a awakening!! Without prayer there will be no change in your job, in your school, in your community, in your city, in your nation. I submit to you when we pray we wouldn’t have to lift a finger. All those time we though our eloquent speach is need, every time we though our gift or ability is need, every time we though God needed our strength…if we just pray we wouldn’t have to do anything because God will be doing it. All we got to do is just activate that faith.

I remember going to conferences thinking that there was a secret formula, or secret only five fold ministers knew, or if only the prophet will touch me and pray I will go deeper in God. But the only way to get deeper in God is prayer. It is no secret, the only way to know God more, to go deeper and deeper in Him is prayer.

So I am pleading to all christian to have a desire to pray. and to pray, and to pray, and to pray, and to pray. Because prayer is going to make the difference. 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sins, and heal their land” Let pray to God that he will heal the land that we are in and that we will surely have Revival God’s Way….by prayer.

God Bless
